We had Dustin's birthday party right after my last post.. I believe Ryan's idea to buy him a bicycle was the best ever.. he LOVES riding his bike and asks to everyday! He even brings it inside and rides in a circle around the kitchen/living room area. Of course now he has a NEW one lol.. he was so rough on the first one that something went wrong .. Im not quite sure what *tire/ axle something LOL Ryan handles that stuff* and it was cheaper to buy a NEW bike then to buy a wheel for this one! so we bought a bigger one he can grow a little into and not be too big for..
My baby boy is growing up so fast! He sleeps in his bed in his room now..most of the night lol. He still usually ends up in bed with us.. but I dont complain:) Ill take snuggles while I can get em!
The end of July we got to go home :) for two whole weeks! Which FLEW BY!
In August we celebrated 5 years of marriage:) went out riding on the motorcycle and out to eat without the kids for a first... it was nice:)
My parents just came and stayed for labor day weekend and Ryan's mom and stepdad are supposed to be coming very soon!:)
Em is super close to being a full fledged toddler.. taking 4 and 5 steps by herself:)
She's growing up wayyyy too fast!
I've started looking for a job up here, even though I'll cry when I have to leave my kids. :)
I've made some GREAT friends up here:) and look forward to our time here:) I feel like we are FINALLY getting settled.