Friday, March 18, 2011

Sleep Deprived

So it's midnight.. I've put Em to bed twice and just moved Dustin from the couch to his bed...

The past two nights have been horrible.. Emmy is teething and hasn't slept much at neither have I.. I've felt horrible and am running of coffee at this point... I've cried more than a few times in the past few hours...and more than a dozen in the past few days. My nerves are just at wits end. Dustin has been super jealous of Em the past few days.... I guess because I've had to hold her so much. I catch myself snapping at everyone way too much... I'm praying for some help with that. I just keep telling myself..this too shall pass. I love my kids so much and feel so bad for being so ill tempered... 
On the up side the weather is so nice! And it's supposed to be for the whole weekend! Hoping to get out some and let Dustin use some of that energy up! Ryan has been off work cause he had surgery done to put an implant tooth in his mouth. He's home till Tuesday  ... right now he's sore but I'm hoping he feels better real soon so we can enjoy his time off! My parents are coming to see us real soon and I am SUPER  excited about it. After living with them while Ryan was at training... I miss them soo much and I know Dustin does too! 
I'm getting my hair cut and some hi-lites/streaks tomorrow... I am really excited about this! My mom is the only  person I've ever had do anything to my hair.. I've never had hi-lites And with all the stress Ive had the last little while.. I'm thinking a little change will boost my self confidence  and help me feel a bit better... cause lets face it.. no make up and sweats for 4 months.. will make anyone depressed lol
Well I best be off to bed... no telling how many times Em will wake up tonight.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time's flying

It seems like just yesterday that we moved up here, Emmy was a week old. Now she's a week and a half from being 5 months...
She's growing up so fast!

Dustin's vocab is growing every day and he is saying new stuff all the time.. its so hard not to laugh when he's being serious. We're still working on sleeping in his own bed...but at 4am when he wakes up..I just don't have the energy to get up and make him go back.. I figure that'll happen with time. Heck one day he won't wanna sleep with his mom and dad and I'll more than likely miss it!

 Dustin's warming up more to having a sister, he likes to lay by her and talk to her and sometimes even read to her or give her a toy. Me and mom talked the other day about how he probably wont like her as much in the next few months when she starts crawling and wanting his toys.. I'll have to keep an eye on him lol.

We went out to eat last night, Olive Garden! Em HATES riding in the car... she screams the entire time. I've tried everything! Toys, making sure she is full and sleepy, but nothing seems to work. She was good for me for two days straight for little errand runs, but last night she cried to and from the restaurant. It breaks my heart and I just wanna get her out... but would rather her cry than us get in a wreck and something happen. Dustin LOVES going out to eat lol I think he's like me and just likes getting outta the house.  This has been a GREAT weekend. My husband, Ryan, hasn't had this much time off with us in a while..and tomorrow he's off too! Tuesday will come too quickly!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another morning yearning for sleep

So we bought a used glider rocker for 20 bucks... its used but a great deal.  Put it in Dustin's room so that I could rock Em in there while he watched tv in his bed.

First night ever falling asleep in his bed without me laying with him...I may have been rocking Em n the glider but hey its progress!

Lil Miss Emmy did NOT wanna be rocked to sleep tonight. I tried rocking her for almost two hours...we nursed on and off trying to get her to sleep... and after that I was tired. I put her in the crib just to rest my arms. After a few minutes she hadnt started whining or crying yet so I went in to check on her and she was ASLEEP! But her lil face was all in the bumper so I couldn't let her stay like that... even though I knew she would wake up if I moved her. She did, but nursed back to sleep ...we're still rocking though. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome to the wubbclub.. 11 30 and we're watching cartoons

I'm a bit crazy... I have some crazy trust issues..with everyone. I jump to conclusions and I assume way too much. Call me crazy but I catch you in a lie one time and Im pretty much suspicious of you forever..
Anyways lol thats just me, I needed to vent a little

Today's been rough. Em didn't sleep well last night I didn't.. and now she's refusing to go to sleep. Sometimes I can lay her in her bed and she'll root around till she goes to sleep without ever crying. Tonight was not one of those... She refuses to nurse to sleep and wont lay on my chest to rock to sleep. The people that live above us have kids..that I'm sure aren't any louder than mine, but Em never gets her nap out. If she need I think she would take less naps and go to bed earlier instead of 10 naps and a late bedtime. We are def looking for a townhome or house to rent after our lease is up next month if they don't have one available on post.

Ug potty training..should be a separate blog in itself... My son just refuses. I've given up, he'll go when he is ready I guess. I refuse to try to beat him or yell at him for not doing it.. He kNOWS where to go and he can tell you, but get near the potty and he screams. I plan on going back to work around August.. I hope we can make progress before then!

So tomorrow! Will be a year of service in the Army for Ryan! And the day after will be a year since I found out I was pregnant with Em.
Dustin's laying on the couch about to crash and Em's asleep in my arms but I'm scared she will wake if I move her.. so I'm just rocking away. If I can get her to bed maybe I can convince Dustin it's time.. Then we can go snuggle with Daddy in bed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rain and Ruby Tuesday

Today was the shopping time. But we got out and started down the road and it was raining... we were all hungry due to lack of groceries lol so we decided to stop and eat and wait on the rain to stop...but it just got worse...we ate and came home! We have food... we'll be fine...but I sure want some oreos right now lol.
Dustin and his she-ken (chicken)
Dustin was so good for us there.. best he has ever been at a restaurant I little man is growing up! He spent most his time looking out the window talking to the cars but he ate almost all his grapes and when we got home he ate the rest of his food! Now Em on the other hand...she didn't want to sit in her seat and watch us eat... she kept staring at our food. I let her taste the sauce from my pasta and she loved it. I just couldn't let her have much because I didn't wanna deal with her tummy being upset.. I think its time to start her on some baby food though.. 
We've had a pretty lazy day today but I have so enjoyed it.. Em is finally big enough to lay in the floor and watch Dustin play...she tries to get his toys sometimes.
Wont be long..she'll be up playing with him :(  Goodness time goes faster every day!
So ..tomorrow, church and grocery shopping...maybe a trip to the mall if Ryan's up for it lol

Friday, March 4, 2011

2am post

It's 2am and Em's just now nursing to sleep..she had a laughing fit at midnight, it was so cute!
Dustin kept changing his mind on what cartoon he wanted to watch on tv... he was just trying to stay up.

He is such a mess sometimes! Refuses to potty train..we've tried everything...He KNOWS what he should do he just wont... so we're taking a break from pushing it for now... For now I think we'll stick to working on bedtime...that is once I can get Em to start going down before midnight! It doesn't matter if she goes down at 7 or 9 she's up before long and finally down around 11 usuallly for good... Im just thankful she sleeps til around 6am then...

I'm so glad that I get to stay home with my babies! I know eventually I'll have to go back to work...and I know Ill miss my munchkins!:) Being a mom is the best feeling in the world:)
Well Emmy has finally drifted off so to her bed she goes...then I'll move Dustin from the couch to his bed...then I can get in MINE!:) nite

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New..about me

So I used to blog on LiveJournal back when I was in high school but haven't done much since then...did a little on myspace back when I had an account there..
SOOO I guess I'll catch you up on me...
In high school I wasn't the most popular girl or the prettiest..but I got by lol.. I was friends with everyone!
My bests being Miss Stephanie and Miss Leighann... we had some good times wow has it really been that many years!
I was co caption of the cheerleading squad my junior year and captain my senior
I wasn't your typical cheerleader LOL but I loved it
no I didnt need those glasses I just liked em LOL

After highschool I moved out of town to attend college on a singing scholarship at a community college... I loved those two years of performing! Singing is a passion of mine and I like to think I do it pretty well... 
In Dec of 2004 I met the man who is my husband, my best friend, my love:) We had a rocky dating life and heck a rocky first year of marriage, but  August 12, 2010 we celebrated 4 years so I'd say we've come a long way.

Ryan had a  3 year old little boy when I met him... Austin Travis used to call me Jessitah! They grow up so fast! His birthday is in July and he will be 10 this coming year! 

July of 2008 me and Ryan had our first child together, Dustin Russell. This little boy has been the light of my world. I learned the wonderful joy of being a mom with him ! 

So husband joined the Army ...and the day after he left for basic, we find out I'm pregnant Again... This time we had a lil girl:) Austin's was named after Ryan's older brother Travis and Dustin was named after 
Ryan's younger brother Russell.  I felt it only fair Ryan have one named after him. So our new lil angels name is Emerson Ryan:) I've always wanted to name my little girl Emerson...for no real reason..I just liked it. She is now 4months old and a complete handful. We had her wellbaby check up the other day and she is 12 lbs 6 oz and 24 in long... considering she was born over a month early I think she has plumped up pretty good!
Happy even after shots

So we've been at Ft Campbell since Em was a week old and so far I guess we like it here... we don't really do much with Em being so small still but we are happy to be all back together!
Just reading some other peoples blogs has made me want to start again:) just to be able to go back and read and relive and remember things;)