Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome to the wubbclub.. 11 30 and we're watching cartoons

I'm a bit crazy... I have some crazy trust issues..with everyone. I jump to conclusions and I assume way too much. Call me crazy but I catch you in a lie one time and Im pretty much suspicious of you forever..
Anyways lol thats just me, I needed to vent a little

Today's been rough. Em didn't sleep well last night I didn't.. and now she's refusing to go to sleep. Sometimes I can lay her in her bed and she'll root around till she goes to sleep without ever crying. Tonight was not one of those... She refuses to nurse to sleep and wont lay on my chest to rock to sleep. The people that live above us have kids..that I'm sure aren't any louder than mine, but Em never gets her nap out. If she need I think she would take less naps and go to bed earlier instead of 10 naps and a late bedtime. We are def looking for a townhome or house to rent after our lease is up next month if they don't have one available on post.

Ug potty training..should be a separate blog in itself... My son just refuses. I've given up, he'll go when he is ready I guess. I refuse to try to beat him or yell at him for not doing it.. He kNOWS where to go and he can tell you, but get near the potty and he screams. I plan on going back to work around August.. I hope we can make progress before then!

So tomorrow! Will be a year of service in the Army for Ryan! And the day after will be a year since I found out I was pregnant with Em.
Dustin's laying on the couch about to crash and Em's asleep in my arms but I'm scared she will wake if I move her.. so I'm just rocking away. If I can get her to bed maybe I can convince Dustin it's time.. Then we can go snuggle with Daddy in bed.

1 comment:

  1. I've just read your last several post .... great start to a new blog. I'd like to do something like this, but I know I wouldn't keep it up. And yes kids are great! I never knew what true love was until I had mine. I have a 5 and 6 year old. Good luck Michael
