Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New..about me

So I used to blog on LiveJournal back when I was in high school but haven't done much since then...did a little on myspace back when I had an account there..
SOOO I guess I'll catch you up on me...
In high school I wasn't the most popular girl or the prettiest..but I got by lol.. I was friends with everyone!
My bests being Miss Stephanie and Miss Leighann... we had some good times wow has it really been that many years!
I was co caption of the cheerleading squad my junior year and captain my senior
I wasn't your typical cheerleader LOL but I loved it
no I didnt need those glasses I just liked em LOL

After highschool I moved out of town to attend college on a singing scholarship at a community college... I loved those two years of performing! Singing is a passion of mine and I like to think I do it pretty well... 
In Dec of 2004 I met the man who is my husband, my best friend, my love:) We had a rocky dating life and heck a rocky first year of marriage, but  August 12, 2010 we celebrated 4 years so I'd say we've come a long way.

Ryan had a  3 year old little boy when I met him... Austin Travis used to call me Jessitah! They grow up so fast! His birthday is in July and he will be 10 this coming year! 

July of 2008 me and Ryan had our first child together, Dustin Russell. This little boy has been the light of my world. I learned the wonderful joy of being a mom with him ! 

So husband joined the Army ...and the day after he left for basic, we find out I'm pregnant Again... This time we had a lil girl:) Austin's was named after Ryan's older brother Travis and Dustin was named after 
Ryan's younger brother Russell.  I felt it only fair Ryan have one named after him. So our new lil angels name is Emerson Ryan:) I've always wanted to name my little girl Emerson...for no real reason..I just liked it. She is now 4months old and a complete handful. We had her wellbaby check up the other day and she is 12 lbs 6 oz and 24 in long... considering she was born over a month early I think she has plumped up pretty good!
Happy even after shots

So we've been at Ft Campbell since Em was a week old and so far I guess we like it here... we don't really do much with Em being so small still but we are happy to be all back together!
Just reading some other peoples blogs has made me want to start again:) just to be able to go back and read and relive and remember things;)

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