Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time's flying

It seems like just yesterday that we moved up here, Emmy was a week old. Now she's a week and a half from being 5 months...
She's growing up so fast!

Dustin's vocab is growing every day and he is saying new stuff all the time.. its so hard not to laugh when he's being serious. We're still working on sleeping in his own bed...but at 4am when he wakes up..I just don't have the energy to get up and make him go back.. I figure that'll happen with time. Heck one day he won't wanna sleep with his mom and dad and I'll more than likely miss it!

 Dustin's warming up more to having a sister, he likes to lay by her and talk to her and sometimes even read to her or give her a toy. Me and mom talked the other day about how he probably wont like her as much in the next few months when she starts crawling and wanting his toys.. I'll have to keep an eye on him lol.

We went out to eat last night, Olive Garden! Em HATES riding in the car... she screams the entire time. I've tried everything! Toys, making sure she is full and sleepy, but nothing seems to work. She was good for me for two days straight for little errand runs, but last night she cried to and from the restaurant. It breaks my heart and I just wanna get her out... but would rather her cry than us get in a wreck and something happen. Dustin LOVES going out to eat lol I think he's like me and just likes getting outta the house.  This has been a GREAT weekend. My husband, Ryan, hasn't had this much time off with us in a while..and tomorrow he's off too! Tuesday will come too quickly!

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