Monday, August 13, 2012

Creeping Deployment.. Stay away!

That's what I think this deployment is doing, its creeping up... and soo fast. Ryan brought home the daddy dolls and some Comfort bear package for the kids today. The bear had a bomber helmet , goggles, and scarf lol Airborne symbol I suppose. 

Another birthday has come and gone for me.. I'm now 26. I sure feel that old sometime.. but most days I feel.............. OLDER LOL . My baby boy is now 4! And my girl will be 2 in OCT! My babies aren't babies anymore:( Since Ryan is deploying, we will be moving back to Alabama to be around family while he is gone. I look forward to the being around them part..not so much to him being gone for almost a year:( .

Dustin is in a afraid of the dark phase...actually we are up right now. The routine has become, Ryan takes Emmy to bed with him and I stay up with Dustin. He is watching cartoon (yes I know my 4 year old up at 11pm isnt good). Usually I lay in bed with him until he falls asleep and then go to bed with Ryan and Emmy (her bed is "sidecar"ed with ours, though she doesn't sleep in it much).

Emmy is now a weaned toddler(from breastfeeding)! We started weaning when we went home for block leave in July and just completely weaned
about a week ago. Im relieved 

and sad all at the same time. Breastfeeding that long was a new experience for me and I canNOT say that I regret it. IF(thats a BIG if) we had another child, I wouldnt change and would probably breastfeed the same length of time.
We started cloth diapers with Emmy kinda late compared to most (close to her 1 year birthday). I tried just about everything before sticking with RAR (rumparooz) for daytime and Ecoposh for nighttime. But recently we have REdiscovered gdiapers and love them now!

Well now that Dustins drifted off to sleep here by me on the couch, I guess it's time to carry him to his bed (He is really getting to big for me to do that these days.. he is a whopping 40 lbs)

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