Every year, we are bombarded with flu vaccine paranoia and media hype surrounding influenza. Every year, we are encouraged – in some occupations, mandated – to get flu vaccines to prevent this “deadly killer.” Every year, our doctors tell us, “It’s going to be a bad flu year, better get your shot.” Once again, media hype and hysterics is winning.
Seasonal influenza-related deaths are deaths that occur in people for whom seasonal influenza infection was likely a contributor to the cause of death, but not necessarily the primary cause of death. That previous statement is straight from the CDC website. Read it here - CDC Flu related death.
It is easy to forget that the flu vaccine has a long history of ineffectiveness and worse, causing serious injury and death. Reports of injury and death following flu vaccinations to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System total over 93,000, including brain inflammation, convulsions, Bell’s palsy, limb paralysis, neuropathy, shock, wheezing/asthma and death .
The first thing to remember is never to take the antiviral Tamiflu, a dangerous chemical concoction that has been banned for use in other countries. Reported side effects have included convulsions, delusions and extreme psychotic disturbances, and 7 adult deaths have been reported in connection with the drug .
Important steps to prevent the flu include:
- Hand wash
- Reduce sugar consumption
- Eat whole, unprocessed foods
- Include probiotics and ferments in your diet
- Check your Vitamin D levels, if necessary, supplement
- Reduce stress which hinders and impedes your immune system
At the first sign of sickness:
- 100,000IU/Vitamin D3 for 7 days (adult dosage)
- 50,000IU/Vitamin A for 3 days (adult dosage)
- Vitamin C to bowel tolerance
- Oscillococcinum (taken at first sign of illness)
- Take anti-viral tonics such as “Master Tonic”, at least one ounce, a few times a day
Truth about Tamiflu
Fear the flu?
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