Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting More Active as a Veteran

Hi everyone, I'm Emily and I am the Community Outreach Director for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Jessica was kind enough to let me post some ideas and tips about ways to keep our veterans healthy and active. They sacrificed so much for us, it's the least we can do for them. 

Many veterans deal with physical and emotional ailments every single day. If you know a veteran or are one yourself, it is so important for your physical and mental health for you to take care of yourself. Whether you're dealing with mesothelioma or have PTSD, you need to know the different options available to you that you can make use of to be the healthiest you possibly can be. Many of these options can be done at home yourself and will help you to live a longer and more fulfilling life no matter what you are currently going through.

One of the best things any person can do, especially veterans, is to eat healthier and more wholesome foods. Nowadays, it's easy to grab processed foods from the local drive-thru or to buy frozen junk from the freezers in the grocery store. The problem with this is that many of these foods can aggravate and cause depression, anxiety and weight gain. Because of this, it is important for you to make gradual changes to your diet that will incorporate better foods, like fruits and veggies, into your day-to-day life. You do not need to become a vegetarian, but even just making small daily changes can help tremendously.

Along with your diet, exercise is another option available that will help your health tremendously. Exercise is recommended by doctors simply because of how beneficial it actually is. Just think of how sedentary you've become and it's easy to see why you may be dealing with weight problems, diabetes and even depression. One way to get rid of these issues or to help resolve them is to begin exercising more often. Join a local gym or take time out of your day to go for a walk in the local park with your dog. You will be amazed at how good you'll feel once you begin a workout program.

It is also a good idea to visit your doctor regularly for check-ups and when you're experiencing issues. Many emotional and physical problems can be dealt with through medication; so do not be afraid to bring these things up when you're in the office. You want to make sure that you get the best help necessary so that you are living a long and fruitful life. There is no reason for you to live uncomfortably just because you do not want to talk about things to your doctor. Your doctor and therapist are there to help you with these problems.

Living a long and productive life might seem difficult when you have a number of physical and mental ailments standing in your way. One of the best things a veteran can know is that they have the power to change their lives and their moods. Just exercise more, eat better and make regular trips to your doctor and you will notice a significant difference in your life. If you're not a veteran but know someone who is, bring these things up with them the next time you see them.

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