Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting More Active as a Veteran

Hi everyone, I'm Emily and I am the Community Outreach Director for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Jessica was kind enough to let me post some ideas and tips about ways to keep our veterans healthy and active. They sacrificed so much for us, it's the least we can do for them. 

Many veterans deal with physical and emotional ailments every single day. If you know a veteran or are one yourself, it is so important for your physical and mental health for you to take care of yourself. Whether you're dealing with mesothelioma or have PTSD, you need to know the different options available to you that you can make use of to be the healthiest you possibly can be. Many of these options can be done at home yourself and will help you to live a longer and more fulfilling life no matter what you are currently going through.

One of the best things any person can do, especially veterans, is to eat healthier and more wholesome foods. Nowadays, it's easy to grab processed foods from the local drive-thru or to buy frozen junk from the freezers in the grocery store. The problem with this is that many of these foods can aggravate and cause depression, anxiety and weight gain. Because of this, it is important for you to make gradual changes to your diet that will incorporate better foods, like fruits and veggies, into your day-to-day life. You do not need to become a vegetarian, but even just making small daily changes can help tremendously.

Along with your diet, exercise is another option available that will help your health tremendously. Exercise is recommended by doctors simply because of how beneficial it actually is. Just think of how sedentary you've become and it's easy to see why you may be dealing with weight problems, diabetes and even depression. One way to get rid of these issues or to help resolve them is to begin exercising more often. Join a local gym or take time out of your day to go for a walk in the local park with your dog. You will be amazed at how good you'll feel once you begin a workout program.

It is also a good idea to visit your doctor regularly for check-ups and when you're experiencing issues. Many emotional and physical problems can be dealt with through medication; so do not be afraid to bring these things up when you're in the office. You want to make sure that you get the best help necessary so that you are living a long and fruitful life. There is no reason for you to live uncomfortably just because you do not want to talk about things to your doctor. Your doctor and therapist are there to help you with these problems.

Living a long and productive life might seem difficult when you have a number of physical and mental ailments standing in your way. One of the best things a veteran can know is that they have the power to change their lives and their moods. Just exercise more, eat better and make regular trips to your doctor and you will notice a significant difference in your life. If you're not a veteran but know someone who is, bring these things up with them the next time you see them.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Value of human life

If your Pro-choice.. you may or may not want to read this. I'll warn you now I'm pro-life, and this post is mainly from some things I thought about during my class this morning in church..some things we discussed and some things we may not have.

" You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."  (Psalms 139:13-16)

God has a plan for everyone, before they are even born.  There is a purpose for every child. THIS is why I choose to be against abortion. Our Sunday school lesson was on the value of human life.

If a person is considered dead when their heart stops beating, should a baby also be considered ALIVE when their heart STARTS beating. Abortion is murder.
The fact that abortions are so common in America today does not make them right.

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctioned thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations"(Jeremiah 1:5)

There..okay I spoke my peace. Maybe its the hormones making me so emotional and passionate about this, maybe not. It's what I believe . Maybe this little one will let me get some sleep  now.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reflo Cup - a smart alternative to "sippy cups"

The Reflo Smart Cup ™ is a revolutionary new concept in training cups. It's a smart alternative to sippy cups and a great transitional tool for your children to learn to drink from an open cup.

Got it with the intent of my 4 year old using it,but my 2 year old has done GREAT with it. Great idea.
She loves being a big girl and using it at the table when everyone else has a regular cup. I think the cups are fantastic and in just one night she was tipping them up correctly and drinking from them like a pro! If they do drop it or knock it over it doesn't ALL rush out and spill. That's my favorite feature, the flow control! It's BPA-free, phthalate-free and dishwasher safe, the Reflo Smart Cup ™ is designed for safety and hygiene with no moving parts to trap dirt and germs. 
Available in four translucent cup colors:
  • Red Violet
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Clear
Each Reflo Smart Cup ™ holds up to 6 ounces of your child's favorite pulp-free beverage.
You can purchase from The Reflo site or they are also available on the Sweet bottoms baby site.

  It has a simple insert that controls the flow. It isnt "spill proof" but doesn't let a whole bunch rush out. But no matter how they turn it will come out like a regular cup from any spot on the cup. Best part is without the insert its just a reg cup!

Monday, January 14, 2013

AP fail

Sometimes I just feel like I'm doing a horrible job at this parent thing. I LOVE my kids, but I know I don't show it to them enough.
I have so Little patience these days.. I snap at the smallest thing. I know that has a little to do with my being all hormonal and pregnant and stuff , plus the hubs being deployed..but still it gets to me.
I spank out of anger...when I've ALWAYS said I'd never do that.
I yell, I ignore, I just get it all wrong some days.
My daily prayer is just.. God, help me get this right..more than wrong. But some days I just feel like I get it the opposite.
I've always wanted to be that stereotypical AP mom, but I just FAIL at a LOT of it.

The world already expects our kids to grow up TOO fast.
A 4 year is expected to be able to sit still be quiet and act... like he's 15 already. Well I'll tell you my 4 year old just CANT do that lol. He is loud , he has TONS of energy and when he is tired ..he is WIRED.  We all too often expect our kids to act so "perfect" that we forget that we as adults are FAR from that "perfect" we expect them to be. I catch myself getting mad at my son for spilling something then Ill turn around and spill my own drink and think..well then Jess.. how bout fussing at yourself as well.
We get upset with our kids for doing things we have TOLD them not to do, but how many times do you do something you KNOW you shouldn't?
I guess I'm just not "hip" enough lol to be FULL ON hardcore crunchy LOL.
Some FUN facts about this mom:)
1) I gave birth in a hospital.. twice.. and fully plan to this third time. and GASP epidural ready! Im a wimp when it comes to pain. I could never homebirth.
2) Only bf Dustin 3 months.. but Emmy yea we went a full 22 months..and a little part time after that LOL
3) CO-sleeping parents here def LOL Dustin slept in the bed forever and well ...Emmys beside me in bed now.. We are def gonna need a bigger bed for when this child gets here, lol.
4) I didn't cloth diaper OR babywear Dustin.. but did both with Emmy and plan on both with this child.
5) I TRY to be a little healthier and avoid lots of chemicals in my home.. making my own stuff or buying green and local.

For some people I may look like a boob slinging hippie... but to a lot of hardcore APs, Im still as silky and horrible as the rest of the moms who use sposies and use the cry it out method (to which I do not believe in BTW )

But anyways, I dont vow to change completely overnight...because I know its hard and will take time. But I have some WONDERFUL role model friends (if your reading you know who you are) and I know they will be there to support all my decisions and help me along the way without judging... but all while being honest:)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Military Wife

 This is floating around facebook and I love it. I miss my hubby, but I am proud of him!
If he re-enlists...I'll be there to follow gladly. And if he doesn't...I'll still follow:) Love you Ryan!

A Military Wife

Lots of moving...
Moving far from home...
Moving two cars, three kids and one dog...all riding with HER of course.
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house;
Moving curtains that won't fit;
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends;
Moving toward new friends;
Moving her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories.

Often waiting...
Waiting for housing.
Waiting for orders.
Waiting for deployments.
Waiting for phone calls.
Waiting for reunions.
Waiting for the new curtains to arrive.
Waiting for him to come home, For dinner...AGAIN!

They call her 'Military Dependent', but she knows better:
She is fiercely In-Dependent.

She can balance a check book;
Handle the yard work;
Fix a noisy toilet;
Bury the family pet...
She is intimately familiar with drywall anchors and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes;
Sell a house;
Buy a car;
Or set up a move... .....all with ONE Power of Attorney.

She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
She reinvents her career with every PCS;
Locates a house in the desert, The Arctic, Or the deep south.
And learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.

Military Wives are somewhat hasty...
They leap into:
Career alternatives,
And friendships. They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them.

Military Wives quickly learn to value each other:
They connect over coffee,
Rely on the spouse network,
Accept offers of friendship and favors.
Record addresses in pencil...

Military Wives have a common bond:
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands; his commitment is unique.
He doesn't have a 'JOB'
He has a 'MISSION' that he can't just decide to quit...
He's on-call for his country 24/7.
But for her, he's the most unreliable guy in town!
His language is foreign
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long- distance link to keep them informed;
the glue that holds them together.

A Military Wife has her moments:
She wants to wring his neck;
Dye his uniform pink;
Refuse to move to Siberia;
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days,
A travel brochure,
A long hot bath,
A pledge to the flag,
A wedding picture,
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.

What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart.
It was stolen from her by a man,
Who puts duty first,
Who longs to deploy,
Who salutes the flag,
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military Husband,
She will remain his military wife.
And would have it no other way.

--Author Unknown

Thursday, January 3, 2013

So here I sit at midnight

Both the kids are asleep, but me ...oh no . There are numerous reasons of course.
1) I put off packing for our short trip to the ville  and decided to do it tonight instead of in the morning (not done though)
2) baby #3 inside is moving quite a bit
3) yea only a picture can describe

yes thats my current bed..
so where am I? sitting BESIDE the bed LOL. I should go get in the FULL size bed with Dustin.. or maybe pick her up and  carry her there.. lol. Maybe I will later.
I have a dr appt tomorrow.. yay for being 20 weeks ! Halfway there if this baby decides to be different and stay in the full 40 weeks. Then the kids have dr appts Friday morning. We just cant seem to shake this horrible cough from the crud from about a month ago.. we have tried everything. 

My kids had fun playing super heros today:) 

I've already ate two peanut butter sandwiches tonight but Im hungry already..again .. SO i best get something and find my way to bed. Tomorrow will come early.  
Sure wish the hubby was online!  Hope he is sleeping well !!!!! <3 u ryan!